My Diabetic Solution

Experience the Wealth of Good Health

Category Archives: Medication

Will my physician help me reverse diabetes?

Will my doctor fire me? What will she do? Will he be unhappy? Does he understand this? What should I tell her? These are all common questions I have reviewed with clients since day one of my clinical career in helping to reverse ... Read full article »

When should I cut back on my diabetes medications?

Legally we can not supervise or act as your physician. We can however, give you suggestions on how you could dialogue with your prescribing physician in terms of what we have found works wonders with our clients. Moreover, many pe... Read full article »


The information on this website is not intended to replace your physician and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended for educational purposes. Dr. Thaddeus Gala encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and talk to your health care provider before making lifestyle changes.